Liss and Petersfield Wastewater Treatment works have had various works completed that will help protect the environment and allow both sites to treat more wastewater.
The completion of the work at these works, means that the water leaving the site is even cleaner, bringing greater benefits to the local ecology. All the sites have had new equipment installed which will allow the sites to treat the wastewater to an even higher standard before it’s released to the environment.
At Petersfield a £2.7m project means additional storm storage has been installed which has nearly doubled the existing capacity. This means more storm water will be stored on site before it is returned to the works for treatment. The new tank can hold 50,000 litres – which is equivalent to more than 211,000 cups of tea.

At Liss the £1.3m scheme has helped increase the amount of flows the site can treat by increasing the size of the pipes.
The work at both sites is being carried out by contractor GtB who are supporting Southern Water on a number of other key projects to treatment sites across its region, including recently at our Portswood works in Southampton.
Project Manager for GtB, Andrew Dredge said:
“We’re delighted that these projects are now finished. The teams have worked hard to make sure we meet the regulation dates. We are now able to fucus our attention on several other sites to ensure we finish them by the end of March. In the meantime, we’ll be removing our cabins and making good the areas where we have been working.
Project Manager for Southern Water, Ben Gogan, said:
“We’re pleased that both of these treatment works have had important work finished before the end of our 2020-2025 spending period (AMP 7). These schemes will mean both sites can treat more wastewater during times of heavy rainfall, which helps our work to reduce storm overflows.”