Welsh Water becomes the first fertility friendly water company

Welsh Water has become the first fertility friendly accredited employer in Wales and in the water industry, as recognition of the work it is doing to provide exemplar support to colleagues who may be facing fertility struggles.

The not-for-profit water company, which has around 4,000 employees, has partnered with Fertility Matters, who provide awareness to organisations on how fertility issues affect colleagues and their organisations.

Growing a family is a fundamental part of many peoples’ lives which can have a devastating impact on those whose journey isn’t as easy. The reality of this challenge is rarely recognised and often misunderstood by employers and many people suffer in silence. Fertility struggles can affect as many as one in seven individuals, and one in six couples, of working age.

Sâra, Capital Performance Manager at Welsh Water shared her experience:

“Fertility is still very much a taboo subject, inside and outside of work. Welsh Water’s commitment to being a fertility friendly employer has given me the trust and confidence that I will continue to be supported through my fertility journey at work, as I have been so far.”

“Welsh Water has been understanding and flexible with my IVF journey in terms of me taking time for appointments, egg collection, implantation surgeries and time off after my miscarriage. They have also provided a forum for people going through IVF at work which has helped us create a community where we feel safe to talk and express how we feel.”

Talking about fertility is arguably even more of a taboo subject among men. Craig, Capital Project Manager at Welsh Water explained why supporting men through their fertility journey matters: “Fertility issues are a taboo topic, and it’s not something you often hear men talking openly about. It can be so personal to an individual and/or a couple, which makes it difficult to openly talk about this subject.”

Stephne Puddy, Talent Partner and Inclusivity Lead at Welsh Water, who is the driving force behind the cultural move said:

“I am delighted that Welsh Water have achieved this accreditation to acknowledge the work we’re doing. has been fully supported across the organisation and it’s been great to have colleagues come forward to be fertility champions and be on hand to offer support to others. The resources are much needed to raise awareness and working with Fertility Matters has allowed us to tackle this taboo subject. Thrilled we have got this far but we don’t stop here, there is always more we can do.”

Kit Wilson, Interim Managing Director of Customer and Developer Services said:

“I am delighted that Welsh Water has achieved this accreditation. As someone who’s family has been through its own fertility journey, this makes me proud to work for Welsh Water. My personal experience of the fertility network is that it’s an excellent source of support for colleagues going through similar, often very stressful, challenges in their lives.”

Natalie Silverman, co-founder of Fertility Matters at Work, added:

“We’re thrilled that Welsh Water have become the first Fertility Friendly employer in Wales. It’s incredibly rewarding to see the company’s dedication to supporting its employees in their path to parenthood. Our partnership will empower Welsh Water to create an inclusive and understanding workplace for those navigating fertility challenges or family planning. We’re so proud to be a part of this transformative process and look forward to the positive impact it will have on employees at Welsh Water.”



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