SEPA’s online service simplifies registration process for small sewage discharges

Registering a septic tank or small sewage discharge in Scotland just got easier thanks to changes to the authorisation process implemented by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA).

Thresholds for the number of properties covered by a registration have increased and the time it takes to apply has decreased. Authorisations of both new and existing small sewage discharges, including septic tanks, can now also be applied for online.

The most significant of the changes to the authorisation process, introduced in July 2024, are:

  • An increase in the maximum number of domestic properties that can apply for a registration for small sewage discharges, from three to 10.
  • An increase in the maximum population equivalent (PE) for non-domestic properties that can apply for a registration, from 15 to 50.

This means that people who need to apply for an authorisation for a discharge from a small-scale development can now do so at the registration level rather than the more expensive licence level.

To support the new registration level activities, SEPA has updated their digital licencing service, which allows applications for new discharges to be completed online.

This update revolutionises the way SEPA process these types of applications by incorporating a GIS-based environmental screening service. The service uses basic information about the location, as well as the number of properties or PE of each proposed discharge, to assess the likely environmental risk. It then presents applicants with a summary of the type of treatment they will need to install and the conditions they will need to comply with.

Those who wish to go on to complete an application will then be asked further questions before paying for and receiving their authorisation.

The new service reduces the time taken to receive an authorisation for a private sewage treatment system from as much as 28 days to as little as 15 minutes.

To use the new service, visit the SEPA website and click on the ‘Apply now’ link.




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