Waste water solutions technology company Huber has said that its compact thickener is able to offer a 90% saving in tankering costs.
The containerised sludge thickening plant, called the HUBER S-DISC, was a design concept that the company developed during the COVID lockdown.
The unit, which achieved its first sale in 2022, is a fully WIMES compliant maintainable package plant. It includes the S-DISC thickener, feed and discharge pumps, a bunded poly make up & dosing unit, heating, lightning and ventilation, and has a WIMES 3.04 control panel built in house to each water company specification.
Huber says it has references in several water companies, and although the unit was initially available with a capacity of up to 18cu.m/hr, it can now offer a larger unit with a capacity of 38cu.m/hr.