NI Water continues work in Killyhevlin area

Following the successful completion of a £3 million investment in phase one, NI Water has announced a further £1 million investment in phase two of the Killyhevlin to Cavanacross Trunk Main, which is now underway and will further enhance and improve the water infrastructure in the Killyhevlin area of Enniskillen.

The new Killyhevlin to Cavanacross Trunkmain – almost 5km in length – transfers bulk water supply from the Killyhevlin Water Treatment Works (WTW) to Cavanacross Service Reservoir, improving the security of the water supply for approximately 10000 customers in the area.

Phase 2 is now underway to upgrade and connect with the completed Killyhevlin-Cavanacross Trunk Main. These new mains will support the new trunk main and further enhance the security of the water supply to Cavanacross Service Reservoir. Work on phase two is expected to be completed in June 2025.

Anna Delargy, NI Water Project Manager said:

“We are delighted to announce the start of Phase 2 of the Killyhevlin to Cavanacross Trunk Main, which will further enhance the resilience of the water supply infrastructure in the Killyhevlin area.

“Enhanced security of water supply will provide a more reliable service for people in the area and will be particularly important during extreme weather conditions and other unplanned events to ensure maximum security of supply for our customers.

“NI Water and our contractor Farrans Glanua JV, along with Campbell Contracts would like to thank the public for their continued patience and cooperation as phase 2 of this major trunk main gets underway. We will strive to minimise disruption wherever possible.”

SourceNI Water



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