Siltbuster wins prestigious Made in Wales ethical manufacturer award

Water treatment specialist Siltbuster has been recognised at the 2024 Made in Wales Awards as the winner of the Sustainable/Ethical Manufacturer category.

The awards, run by Business Cymru (Business Wales) recognise the achievements of the Welsh manufacturing industry, celebrating innovations, new products, and business success across a range of sectors.

Silbuster’s submission for the awards focused on its passionate commitment to the environment and its work to constantly innovate and improve its sustainability credentials.

In line with this commitment, Siltbuster has undertaken a major renewable energy project at its Monmouth headquarters, with the aim of meeting all its electrical energy needs from solar.

Pictured (L-R): Douglas Friedli, editor, Wales Business Insider; Adam Gunter, Facilities Engineer, Siltbuster; Joe Buckland, Apprentice, Siltbuster; Scott Bennett, comedian and Made in Wales Awards compere.
Pictured (L-R): Douglas Friedli, editor, Wales Business Insider; Adam Gunter, Facilities Engineer, Siltbuster; Joe Buckland, Apprentice, Siltbuster; Scott Bennett, comedian and Made in Wales Awards compere.

The company has installed solar photovoltaic panels on the roof of its building, capable of generating 206kw of energy. This system currently meets the majority of the building’s energy needs.

Other measures include installation energy efficient equipment throughout the HQ, using electric rather than petrol/fossil fuel motors as much as possible, on-site EV chargers, all-electric plant – from hedge cutters to forklifts – and LED lights throughout the facility, including ‘dark sky’ lights to protect local wildlife.

These energy measures support Siltbuster’s wider sustainability actions which include rainwater harvesting, recycling, bee-friendly planting, creation of wildlife corridors and installation of bird, bat and dormouse boxes on site.

Work is under way to monitor emissions, water and energy use and Siltbuster has made a commitment to setting a clear path to a carbon-free future.

Dave James, Head of Operations at Siltbuster, says:

“We are very pleased and proud to win this Made in Wales award which provides recognition of the commitment we undertake to continually grow the Siltbuster business in a way that is sustainable and reinforces our core values to minimise any impact on the environment”.



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