Letter to Chief Secretary on work to inform ten-year infrastructure strategy

National Infrastructure Commission Chair Sir John Armitt has written to the Chief Secretary to the Treasury, the Rt Hon Darren Jones MP, to set out the input which the Commission will provide to support and inform the development of the government’s ten-year infrastructure strategy; it is a response to the Chief Secretary’s letter of 7 October to Sir John.

The letter confirms the work the Commission is delivering in support of the development of the new strategy. This work supplements the second National Infrastructure Assessment, which set out a long-term view of the UK’s economic infrastructure needs and priorities and a set of fully costed recommendations; the Commission’s view is that these recommendations provide a strong foundation for the ten-year strategy.

However, there are a number of areas that would benefit from further analysis to reflect, in particular, the government’s focus on the benefits of infrastructure investment, its housing and industrial strategy commitments, and the desire to develop a credible project pipeline. The Commission has said it will work with relevant government departments, agencies, local government, industry and others to develop its analysis. 

The full letter can be read here.



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