Hat-trick at CEF Awards for NI Water’s Ravenhill Avenue Flood Alleviation Project

The project team for the Ravenhill Avenue Flood Alleviation Project has recently been awarded three major awards – a hat-trick! at the prestigious CEF Excellence Awards (Construction Employers Federation) The team were honoured to collect a Social Value Award, Infrastructure project of the year, and a Judges’ bonus award – Achieving Excellence in Partnering.

The £7 million Flood Alleviation Project for the Ravenhill Avenue Area of South Belfast was recently delivered as part of the Living With Water in Belfast Plan, which aims to help protect against flooding, enhance the water environment and provide the increased capacity needed for economic growth.

Some sewers in this part of South Belfast dated back to the early 1900’s and were in very poor condition, and this essential project improved the sewers, whilst significantly reducing the risk of ‘out-of-sewer’ flooding and environmental pollution in the area.

The Social Value Award celebrates outstanding projects that deliver significant social value by maximising social, environmental, and economic benefits, and team members were commended for being good neighbours in the communities in which they work and for their valuable contributions to improving the image of construction through their respectful approach to the public, their workforce, and the environment.

The Infrastructure Project of the Year Award for Utilities recognises projects that demonstrate innovative engineering solutions to overcome challenges, acknowledging excellence in many areas including health and safety, sustainability and minimising public impact.

NI Water’s Senior Project Manager, David McClean said:

“NI Water is delighted that the project team has received three prestigious awards, which demonstrate an excellent approach to partnering in the delivery of the scheme, as well as best practice project management.

“The awards also recognise the efforts made to minimise disruption to the public, whilst delivering what matters to our customers – essential improvements to the sewerage infrastructure in a busy urban area heavily populated with schools and businesses, whilst reducing the risk of out of sewer flooding.”

The team is proud of the collaboration throughout the project, recognised by the Achieving Excellence in Partnering Award, which exemplifies an outstanding approach to partnership throughout its delivery. This award is jointly shared by the client NI Water, design team AECOM, and Geda’s construction team, recognising their collaborative efforts to deliver this essential improvement project.

SourceNI Water



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