Barbara Moorhouse to stand down as Glas Cymru Non-Executive Director

Glas Cymru, the not-for-profit company that owns Welsh Water, has announced that Barbara Moorhouse will stand down as a Non-Executive Director of at the end of the year (31 December 2024).

Barbara said she is leaving her role with Glas Cymru to pursue new opportunities. She currently holds a number of non-executive appointments including the Chair of Agility Trains Group (the privately owned train services company), Senior Independent Director and Chair of the Remuneration Committee at Aptitude Software Group plc, and Non-Executive Director at Balfour Beatty plc.

Barbara Moorhouse said: “I have appreciated the opportunity to return to the water industry and to understand the current challenges faced by the sector. I have enjoyed working with Alastair Lyons as Chair and the other members of the Board in framing Dŵr Cymru’s response to those challenges. I hope my remaining time on the Board will see a price review settlement that will enable the company to successfully deliver on its plans in the coming years.”

Alastair Lyons, Chair of Glas Cymru, said: “With Ofwat’s Final Determination of the Price Review for 2025-30 (PR24) expected at the end of December, Barbara has provided strong input, challenge and guidance to the business during a demanding time for the sector. I am grateful for her support and counsel both as a member of the Board and Chair of the Quality and Safety Committee.”

The company confirmed the process to recruit her successor has already begun.



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