Lintott awarded two Lots on Anglian Water’s £74.7m Operational Technology Services and Resources Framework 

Galliford Try, the UK construction group, has announced that its Lintott Control Systems business has been awarded a place on Lots 1 and 2 of Anglian Water’s Operational Technology Services and Resources Framework. 

The framework, a first of its kind for Lintott, covers an initial eight-year period and is worth a total of £18m to the business. Lot 1 will cover all telemetry, electrical and associated mechanical and configuration work, while Lot 2 involves all systems integration and associated electrical, mechanical and configuration work. Lintott are one of three contractors on both lots.

The appointment comes some 14 years since Lintott were appointed to a telemetry framework with Anglian Water, although the business has collaborated on previous frameworks covering telemetry and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisitions (SCADA), with a number of other water companies.

David Owen, Managing Director, Water Technologies, said:

“This is a key appointment for our Lintott business, which remains an important focus for Galliford Try’s Sustainable Growth Strategy, and we are delighted to be strengthening our relationship with Anglian Water and delivering for their customers.”

Lintott Control Systems Limited, which was acquired by Galliford Try in 2021, is a specialist manufacturer of motor control panels as well as water and wastewater treatment systems for the water industry.



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