£17.5 million water improvement scheme underway at Ballinrees Water Treatment Works, Coleraine

NI Water has announced that a £17.5 million project is underway to extend the existing site at Ballinrees Water Treatment Works, Coleraine.

This upgrade will help improve water quality and security of supply for approximately 75,000 customers in the Coleraine area, supplying towards Portrush/Ballymoney and also supplying parts of Limavady and Derry/Londonderry, ensuring the water supply continues to meet essential Drinking Water Regulations.

This major upgrade began in March 2023 and work is expected to be complete in early 2025.

The work involves the construction of a new treatment building to improve water treatment standards. Construction is also underway on an interstage pumping station as part of the overall programme.

Eimear McDaid NI Water Senior Project Manager said:

“We are delighted that this major investment at Ballinrees is underway, which will bring many benefits to around 75,000 customers in the wider Coleraine area, including improved drinking water quality and security of supply.

“This key improvement scheme will protect and future-proof the local water infrastructure for customers, businesses and tourism in the area by boosting the resilience and providing additional security of the water supply network. This is particularly important in the event of a high demand or other emergency situation.”

The Contractor for this major scheme is DLJ Water Limited and the Project Manager is RPS/Tetratech.

SourceNI Water



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