Manx Utilities commences replacement of essential water main in the south of the island

Manx Utilities is to commence work on a £500k project in the Southern part of the Isle of Man, to replace four kilometres of water main.

The project is likely to take 30 weeks to complete and is a priority replacement, due to the existing asset’s frequent burst rate and the fact that it is now at the end of its life. The main was originally laid in 1967 and supports the delivery of mains water to 3,810 customers, which is around 5% of the islands population.

An investment of over £3.5 million has been made over the last five years to address replacement of old water mains in the South of the Island, with approximately 20 kilometres of new main installed. This main will be the final priority replacement required for the area at the present time. Manx Utilities said this programme of mains replacement will also mean that much less treated water is lost through repeated bursts.



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