Bob Taylor, CEO of Portsmouth Water, wins Institute of Water’s 2024 Allen Bolton Award

The Institute of Water has awarded the 2024 Allen Bolton Award to Bob Taylor, CEO of Portsmouth Water.

The accolade honours individuals who have shown exceptional commitment to the Institute of Water and the professional development of its members.

Established in memory of founding member Allen Bolton, who passed away in 2011, the award is presented annually at the President’s Dinner by the Institute’s National Chair.

This year, Matt Bower, Team Leader of DWQR, had the honour of presenting the award. Bob Taylor received this well-deserved recognition on September 11th at the Institute of Water National President’s Dinner and Awards Evening in Lincoln.

Bob has been a long-standing member of IWater, serving as both a Board member and Past President. His leadership highlights include successfully steering the Institute through two Annual Conferences and the pandemic, always sharing his expertise and time generously. A strong advocate for personal growth, Bob consistently encourages others to excel and advance their careers.

Upon receiving the award, Bob said:

“Thanks to all of my friends and colleagues at the IOW for this amazing recognition, it was a huge honour, a genuine surprise and I have loved every single moment of my involvement with IOW and the Board over the last 25 years.”



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