Conference is a call to help protect British waterways

A conference dedicated to the control of invasive weeds will examine the impact of aquatic weeds on Britain’s waterways and how best to deal with the problems they pose.

The Property Care Association’s (PCA) 2024 International Invasive Weed Conference (IIWC2024) will feature, for the first time, a session dedicated to aquatic invasives, with expert speakers from a range of leading organisations.

Hosted by the national trade body’s Invasive Weed Control Group, the conference is open to professionals with an interest in protecting aquatic environments.

Daniel Docking is the PCA’s Invasive Weed Control Technical Manager. He said: “Understanding the impact of aquatic invasive weeds is a crucial part of protecting our waters.

“This dedicated session at IIWC2024 is an excellent opportunity for people to learn more, network and share knowledge.

“Our speakers include experts who are working on and studying these issues at a regional, national and international level.

“The conference is open to surveyors, developers, water companies, ecologists and other professionals from businesses, charities and non-profits that have a role to play in managing Britain’s water resources.”

The IIWC2024 takes place at the University of Warwick, Coventry on November 28 and the session on aquatic invasive weeds will start with an introduction by Trevor Renals from the Environment Agency, who will also act as Chair.

Alex Brook from PCA member company Ebsford Environmental will give a talk on water weed experience, and Djami Djeddour, a Weed Biocontrol Scientist for CABI (Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux International), will speak on biocontrol weevil for Floating Pennywort.

A Q&A will follow the final talk by Charles Hughes from The Canal and Rivers Trust – ‘Tackling Floating Pennywort on Canals & Rivers.’

The IIWC2024 agenda also includes case studies on invasive weed management, a panel debate on dealing with invasives without glyphosate, and a session on guidance, policy and the law.



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