£9 Million investment complete at Seagahan Water Treatment Works

NI Water has announced that a £9 million investment to improve the security of the water supply for customers in County Armagh has been completed at Seagahan Water Treatment Works.

The upgrade, which commenced in September 2022, involved the construction of a new water storage tank, which has a capacity of 7 million litres (7 megalitres). The upgrade will provide enhanced security of the water supply to customers, particularly during high demand emergency situations.

Mark Richardson, NI Water’s Senior Project Manager said:

“We are delighted to announce the completion of this major investment at Seagahan Water Treatment Works, which will bring many benefits to our customers in County Armagh, such as added resilience to the water network and improved security of the local water supply.

“The upgrade involved the construction of a new water storage tank, which has a capacity of 7 million litres! This is equivalent to almost 7 Olympic size swimming pools!

“This project will provide additional water supply to customers, particularly during emergency situations, when we may need to shut down the main plant or when we complete other planned maintenance to our water supply network.”

This major investment was completed by GRAHAM Construction with RPS providing project management and technical support. The team successfully completed the new tank, while ensuring the local water supply wasn’t interrupted during construction. This major project will enhance the local water supply infrastructure for many years to come.

SourceNI Water



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