Welsh Water starts £750m tender process

Welsh Water has issued a contract notice to the market for the procurement of works and services worth £750m for the next iteration of its Water Network Alliance (WNA).

The not-for-profit company is looking for future delivery partners to deliver a significant programme of new customer meter installations, fix network leaks and repair and maintain their water network to deliver improvements to asset health.

Delivery partners will be agile, customer service focussed and support innovative solutions to deliver value for money services.

The contract will run for a period of up to 8 years, for AMP8 (2025-2030) and early AMP 9.

Liw Reservoir
Liw Reservoir

The works and services will be delivered through two distinct arrangements.

One will be focused on metering, customer appointment programmes, and water network maintenance. This is worth an estimated total maximum value of £400m.

The other will be focussed on mains rehabilitation and pipelines, across a range of low, medium and high complexity projects dealing with pressurised pipes, with an estimated total maximum value of £352m.

Welsh Water’s activities generate £1bn a year to the Welsh economy, employs almost 4,000 and supports a further 5,000 jobs through suppliers and contractors.

Ian Christie, Managing Director Water Service, Capital Delivery and Asset Planning Dwr Cymru Welsh Water, commented:

“This contract is a crucial part of our drive to ensure the continuous improvement of our service to our customers across Wales and Herefordshire.

“We have challenging targets for leakage, interruptions to supply and acceptability of water to our customers and we will only succeed with these targets if we work closely together with our partners in the sector to deliver asset improvement works.

“The scope and value of this work shows Welsh Water’s ambition and drive to deliver the best possible quality of service and value to our customers.”



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