Registration open for the Water, Wastewater and Environmental Monitoring exhibition and conference, taking place in October at the NEC

WWEM • 9-10 October 2024 • NEC, Birmingham

The organiser of WWEM has announced that registration is now open for the biennial event. The Water, Wastewater and Environmental Monitoring exhibition and conference, is taking place at the NEC in Birmingham UK on the 9th & 10th October.

WWEM is the meeting place for water companies, regulators and industry that uses and is responsible for water and wastewater quality and treatment. The event has been designed specifically for process operators, plant managers, environmental scientists, consultants or instrument users dealing with water and water pollution and measurement.

Entry to WWEM is free, visitors will have the opportunity to meet and network with over 200 exhibiting companies, to compare products and prices as well as discuss current and future projects and discover new technologies, new solutions and solution providers.

The organiser says this year is the biggest event in the show’s history.

Registered visitors are invited to attend over 100 hours of technical presentations on all aspects of water monitoring. There is a comprehensive line-up of leading industry speakers and experts who will be presenting on process monitoring, laboratory analysis, smart water monitoring, current and future regulation, MCERTS, gas detection, field testing, portable instruments, operator monitoring, data acquisition, odour monitoring and treatment, big data, online monitoring, IoT, flow and level measurement, leak detection, pumping solutions, control and instrumentation.

In addition, registered visitors to WWEM 2024 will also gain access to AQE, the air quality and emissions monitoring event, which will be co-located with WWEM at the NEC.

Register here to guarantee free access to the largest water and wastewater monitoring meeting of the year.




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