Reverse water consumption increases

With an increasing population and changes in lifestyle the UK water deficit is anticipated to be 4017 mega litres per day. To reduce this predicted shortage, water companies are developing and implementing plans to upgrade the UK’s water supply with the aim of reducing domestic usage levels, Per Capital Consumption (PCC) from its current average of 150 litres per day to 110 litres per day.

Smart meters are seen as a significant part of the solution – Thames Water has recorded post installation savings of 12-17%. Now United Utilities has announced their plans for advanced metering infrastructure, with all new connections or meters to be replaced with the latest generation of smart meters.

NRv2 LoFlo installed in Groundbreaker's surface mounted meter housing
NRv2 LoFlo installed in Groundbreaker’s surface mounted meter housing

The “other” smart solution to managing water resources:

Whilst “smart” water meters provide valuable insights into water demand and help to manage consumer expectations (and bills) there is another smart solution out there with a proven track record of reducing water consumption by up to 12%.

Installed at the same time as a smart (or traditional) water meter, Groundbreaker’s patented LoFlo devices are a simple, yet very effective solution to managing water supplies to new or existing dwellings without any reduction of water pressures or effect on central heating systems.

Oversupply of water is wasted water!

Water companies are regulated to provide a minimum level of water supply, but in many areas, due to network structure and gravity fed systems, supply is much greater. Households in high pressure areas could be receiving up to three times the required minimum levels. So, run a hose for five minutes at the bottom of the hill, and your lawn will be greener than the gardener that does the same at the top. These ‘time controlled’ uses, e.g. teeth cleaning, taking a shower, running a tap to rinse dishes, could be reduced if all households received the same acceptable, ‘standardised’ supply.

To date, flow restriction devices have been used at each outlet, i.e. kitchen taps, bathroom taps, and showers separately, and developers have received a reduction in infrastructure charges for their installation. However, industry reports show that many of these devices are not retained by occupiers in the long term, resulting in the water companies incurring both a loss in revenue and no long-term reduction in daily consumption.

The alternative is whole site flow reduction. Fitting a device such as Groundbreaker’s LoFlo, at the meter regulates the level of flow entering customer premises – regardless of network pressure, meaning a reduction in the level of water used by customers when ‘variable use’ appliances (i.e., showers, taps, hosepipes) are used.

As the flow of water into the premises is limited, then the amount used by the customer is also limited – without a degradation of service, and more importantly not requiring any intervention or behavioural change on the part of the customer, leading to ‘natural’ reduction in per capita consumption. As these products are fitted to the main water supply, and not each individual outlet they remove any risk of consumer interference and ensure that minimum standards of water supply are maintained as specified within the Water Industry Act and Water Fittings Regulations.

NRv2 LoFlo in situ showing manifold and water meter
NRv2 LoFlo in situ showing manifold and water meter

Proven technology – protecting the network

LoFlo is a derivative of Groundbreaker’s proven and trusted NRv2 product, designed to manage and regulate the flow of water to a property by means of a “smart” non-return valve, therefore offering whole site protection against back-flow and contamination of water mains from internal sources.

Fully approved by accredited test house KIWA for use with potable water, the product is also certified as being able to withstand static water pressures of over 25 bar.

Zero cost installation – the low-cost solution

When installed with a new meter, whether a new supply or a meter exchange, LoFlo effectively has a zero installation cost.  The unit is simply installed between the manifold and the meter, adding less than a couple of minutes to a meter installation time.



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