CIWEM announces Anna Daroy as new Chief Executive Officer

The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management has announced the appointment of Anna Daroy as new Chief Executive Officer.

Chair of the Board of Trustees, Annie Shepperd OBE said:

I am delighted on behalf of the Trustees to welcome Anna as our new Chief Executive Officer. The Trustee Board are all looking forward to working with her and our terrific staff team at CIWEM.

“There is much for us to achieve as we build and support our members and we know that in Anna, we have appointed someone with the experienceintellect and passion to help us influence change for the greater good of our country. Welcome and best wishes for your time at CIWEM.

Anna Daroy has worked in private and public sectors for over 25 years, successfully leading organisations through complex changes across multiple environments

Beginning her career in management consulting with Ernst & Young and IBM, the past 20 years have been spent in board and c-suite roles, including leading and turning around international membership not-for-profit and charities as CEO of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy and the Institute of Directors.

Anna brings additional expertise in Digital, Risk and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), along with a genuine passion for membership organisations, the environment, and the global challenges we collectively face in managing our limited water supply.




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