Work complete on £1m environmental protection project

Work has completed on a £1m project to upgrade the sewer network and protect the environment near Shotton Colliery, County Durham.

Five hundred metres of new sewer pipes have been constructed from Throstles Nest Pumping Station, south of Shotton Coillery, as part of a project by Northumbrian Water to reduce the risk of pollution in the area.

The work has been carried out by the water company’s partner, Esh-Stantec.

The new pipe runs from Throstles Nest Pumping Station, next to Salters Lane, to a point west of the old railway line, cycleway and footpath. An existing temporary above-ground pipe has been removed as a result of the installation of the new pipe.

Northumbrian Water’s Project Manager, Peter Greenan, said:

“This investment ensures the network will continue to serve the community effectively and protect the environment by reducing the risk of pollution.”



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