Thames Water to start work on £20 million pipe upgrade in Islington in order to future-proof water supply in the capital

Thames Water has started a £20 million upgrade on Pentonville Road, London replacing 1.2 miles of ageing Victorian pipes.

The £20 million project will take place over three years, with engineers working to upgrade 1.2 miles of ageing Victorian pipes, which supply water to around 7,000 properties each day. The first phase of work will involve a six-week lane closure on Pentonville Road West.

Much of London’s trunk main network was built in the early 19th century. The new pipeline will improve infrastructure, bringing it up to date for the 21st century and help the company meet the growing demand for water. The project will also play a crucial role in reducing leaks and bursts across London’s busy streets with work spanning from Pentonville Road (West and East) through to Myddleton Passage.

Jaymin Patel, Head of Programme Delivery, Thames Water, said:

“We’re on a mission to drive down leakage, which is why we’re investing to upgrade our ageing Victorian pipes. The work on Pentonville Road is essential and will ensure we continue to deliver a safe and secure water supply to Londoners.”



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