Share your views on plans to manage the risk of flooding in Kent

Kent County Council (KCC) wants to hear your views on its updated Local Flood Risk Management Strategy 2024-2034.

KCC say their priority is to improve the safety and wellbeing of Kent’s residents and economy by bolstering local flood risk management.

The draft strategy sets out how the council will work with communities and partners, adapt to a changing climate and use natural processes to provide multiple benefits where possible to improve local flood risk management.

It follows the goals set out in the National Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy for England, which focuses on making places resilient against climate change, growing infrastructure for the future and adapting to flooding and coastal erosion.

“The local strategy we are consulting on today sets out how we plan to manage the risks posed by surface runoff, ordinary watercourses and groundwater.”

KCC’s Deputy Cabinet Member for Environment, Tony Hills, said: “The local strategy we are consulting on today sets out how we plan to manage the risks posed by surface runoff, ordinary watercourses and groundwater.

“When we look at how we can support areas in managing flood risk, it is vital we work with other local authorities and agencies to ensure we plan effectively for the future.

“Many things are impacted by flooding including drainage, sewers and ordinary watercourses, so it is important we hear your views on our draft strategy.”

You can have your say by visiting before 30th January 2024.



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