Digital Concepts Engineering launches LANTRA-approved training course for operators of uncrewed ground vehicles

British robotics entrepreneur Digital Concepts Engineering (DCE) is the first to market with a LANTRA-approved education and training course for operators of uncrewed ground vehicles (UGV). 

LANTRA’s industry leading training and qualifications for land-based industries are nationally recognised and highly respected.

With advances in technology and an associated reduction in costs, UGVs are being developed for a range of applications across agriculture, waste management, mining and civil engineering in a global market estimated to be growing at 8% per annum.

DCE provides R&D, consulting services and products for remotely operated ground vehicles for applications where the imperative is to keep people out of harm’s way. The new course aligns with that mission by ensuring operators remotely control their vehicles safely and efficiently.

The course is aimed at both UGV operators and those managing their deployment in the workplace. Delegates will learn about the science and engineering that enables remote, uncrewed control of a vehicle and then engage in practical sessions wherein they will “drive” a range of uncrewed vehicles including a standard pick-up truck modified by DCE for remote control.

The course was initially developed for an automotive OEM.

Ranger 1

“The LANTRA course highlights the reality that UGVs – once a novelty – are becoming the norm in the industrial workplace,” said DCE Business Development Director Lionel Nierop. “Our Marionette system allows existing vehicles to be controlled remotely. It is proven in a wide range of demanding scenarios. We have developed UGVs to be deployed in the nuclear, defence, waste management and agriculture industries.”

Details of the course can be found here: Unmanned Ground Vehicle Familiarisation and Operation Course – Lantra



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