Clancy appointed to deliver pipeline of capital projects for South West Water

Clancy has been appointed to South West Water’s new Capital Delivery Programme Tier 1 Delivery Partners framework to help deliver the company’s pipeline of projects in clean and wastewater networks.

The move to the South West represents a new client and geography for Clancy and is the culmination of a year-long process in preparing for and responding to the bid.

The framework will see Clancy bring its long-standing expertise in water and civil engineering to a range of investment schemes, including the installation, refurbishment and renewal of pipelines, gravity mains and sewers, pumping stations and SUDS.

As the water sector prepares to tackle the challenges of climate change, increasing demand and customer affordability through AMP8, this framework will focus on building the resilience of the water network across the south west.

The pipeline of work will deliver investment in new connections and infrastructure, as well as targeted renewal to address changing water flows and pressures as a result of seasonal rainfall in the region.

South West Water faces other unique regional challenges due to its geography, including supporting the longest coastline of any water company in the UK throughout Devon and Cornwall.  The region also has acute seasonal demand  for services, with the large influx of visitors to the area during summer months placing fourfold pressure on infrastructure networks.

The framework will run for an initial five years, with the option to extend to 10 years. Work will begin in April 2024.

Ronan Clancy, executive director at Clancy, said:

“We are absolutely delighted to be moving into this area of the country with South West Water. The clarity and ambition of the water company’s plans and the level of investment it is putting in place make the framework really exciting for us. It was evident throughout the bid that our values aligned closely with South West Water’s, and we are looking forward to working with them in the years ahead. Our culture of innovation and creative problem-solving, together with our expertise in managing complex programmes in water and wastewater, ensures we are well-placed to support the firm in delivering on its investment plans.

“As a family-run business and a direct employer, developing skills is integral to what we do.  We’ll be building teams based in the region, while also bringing the benefit of our expertise across the UK to bear for the South West.”




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