RSE announces 75% majority investment in Chem Resist Group

Ross-shire Engineering (RSE) has announced a 75% majority investment in Dewsbury based Chem Resist – a market leader in thermoplastic process plant, premium branded fluid transfer products and pipework systems to safely store and transfer aggressive and corrosive chemicals. 

RSE said the the move for the product development company further bolsters their Chemical Treatment & Fluid Transfer portfolio. Chem Resist’s range of differentiated products for the water and chemical distribution sectors will complement RSE’s existing product range.

Connor Morton, RSE’s Water Technologies Director, said:

“We have long admired the Chem Resist business and its reputation for high-quality products in the sectors they operate. Thermoplastic is the safest way to blend, transfer and store corrosive and aggressive chemicals, which are crucial for the treatment and purification of water to meet current changing environmental needs.

“RSE is already leading the way towards a zero-carbon economy by advancing its manufacturing techniques in this space. We see Chem Resist as a key enabler to this goal. Their spiral wound storage tanks have the lowest carbon footprint on the market compared to other technologies and can be recycled at end-of-life. We hope to work with Chem Resist’s management and employees to scale their offering to meet growing market demand in the future.”

Chem Resist Managing Director Director, Simon Hewitt said:

“We have joined the RSE family at an exciting time. We have ambitions to grow the business and develop our product offering to meet the future needs of our markets. RSE have a proven track record of scaling businesses like ours whilst retaining the culture which is important to our colleagues and stakeholders.”

Chem Resist owners, Simon and Odelle Hewitt will continue to lead the development of this business within RSE, with exciting prospects for their 50+ staff.



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