Sewer cleaner doubles as pumping station – overpumping with a Bucher Municipal Tanker

Flooding is one of the worst things that can happen to any homeowner or business. To combat this, the UK Government have heavily invested in flood defences to help prevent rivers bursting their banks.

Unfortunately it is a constant battle, as due to global warming, we are seeing more and more seasonal extremes, meaning flooding is now becoming an annual event as opposed to an exceptional occurrence.

When a flood warning is announced many local and water authorities hire pumping stations to pump water from high-risk areas to a nearby field or an area away from housing and high streets.

What you may not know is a Bucher sewer cleaner can also be used as a pumping station. The SuperRecycler CR140 is fitted as standard with a Vogelsang pump. This pump can work simultaneously with the sewer cleaning system, allowing the operator to pump 1,000 litres per minute from a flooded area or a high-risk flood area to a safe zone a mile away whilst jetting and sucking any blocked drains at the same time.

Vogelsang pumps can also be fitted to the SuperFlex C140 which will allow for simultaneous operation. It can be fitted to the FlexLine C120 and C140 however the Flexline option will not allow for simultaneous operations which means the sewer cleaner can either operate as a pumping station or as a sewer cleaner but not at the same time.

All the Bucher Recyclers can move water from one area to another using the standard DESMI pump. The recycler will suck the water up into the tank and filter it to 5 microns. The operator can then choose to pump the filtered water back into the tank to reuse for jetting or pump it out to a safe location away from the flooded area. It will not move the water at the same rate as the Vogelsang unit due the way the water has to go through the recycling system but will move a steady amount of water from one area to another to help reduce the amount of flood water.

Therefore, it is worth noting that in the event of a local flood or flood warning your Bucher Sewer Cleaner can be more helpful than people may think.



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