Biotech company to demonstrate how bacteria can offer sustainable solutions at Aquatech Mexico and AWT Vancouver

Experts from Wisconsin USA based bacillus manufacturing and R&D company, Microbial Discovery Group (MDG), are attending two trade shows in September as part of their effort to demonstrate and discuss bioaugmentation success in wastewater.

The company is attending Aquatech Mexico 2022 taking place September 6-8 in Mexico City and will then head north to exhibit at The Association of Water Technologies (AWT) Annual Convention and Exposition, to be held this year in Vancouver, Canada, September 21-24.

“I’m looking forward to educating attendees about MDG’s bioaugmentation products, made with scientifically selected Bacillus bacteria,” said Josiah Menako, MDG’s wastewater Microbiologist and Technical Support Specialist. “Bacillus bacteria enhances the microbial community and shifts it to become beneficial. This makes it so the bacteria end up helping to remediate organic material in the environment, such as how our Bacillus helps digest sludge in municipal and industrial wastewater systems.”

During Aquatech Mexico, Menako will present to the technological innovation for the water sector conference about real-world successes from Biotifx® trials and the return on investment brought to distributors and users of bioaugmentation in treating wastewater. Biotifx® Bacillus enhance and shift the native microbial population to efficiently digest organic material in municipal and industrial wastewater. Menako’s presentation covers two Biotifx® bioaugmentation whitepapers and meta-analysis’ data and results from sludge digestion in lagoons and hydrogen sulfide reduction in collection systems. The whitepapers are published via the Water Environmental Federation (WEF), and Wastewater Digest.

In Mexico, MDG will be located on stand 2423 in the USA pavilion section, with Menako’s presentation taking place on Thursday September 8 at 1.30 in Hall C. In Canada they’ll be found on booth 243 Hall B/C, near the entrance of AWT.

Microbial Discovery Group was founded by CEO, PhD Mike King in 2007 with a mission to Feed, Clean, and Save the World. MDG is a scale-up and large-scale Bacillus fermentation company, which is R&D-driven for product development.



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