Birmingham Airport renews contract with leading water retailer

National water retailer water2business, has signed a further two-year contract with Birmingham Airport, and will continue to provide end-to-end billing for all water and sewerage services.

Birmingham Airport is one of the UK’s busiest airports and pre-pandemic it handled 13 million passengers, with 35 million people living within its two-hour catchment area. Over the last two years, water2business, which provides water and wastewater management to more than 82,000 businesses across the UK, has worked with the airport to ensure an accurate and efficient billing process and provide support with trade effluent requirements.

The airport, which has vastly reduced its CO2 per passenger over the last five years, is well known for its focus on environmental sustainability and is currently working towards its 2020-2025 Sustainability Strategy, with a key focus being the reduction of water use and the provision of top tier water quality for passengers.

Managing director of water2business Charley Maher said: “We are extremely pleased to continue our partnership with Birmingham Airport for another two years and look forward to further supporting them in progressing towards their 2020-2025 Sustainability Strategy. Our dedicated account management team are holding further conversations with Birmingham Airport to review opportunities to help them continue to reduce its water usage per passenger.”

Tony Dunning, procurement manager at Birmingham Airport said: “We are happy to partner again with water2business for a further two-year contract. water2business has previously demonstrated its services and professionalism to the airport and for this reason we are happy to continue our partnership.”



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